Ng Wan Ling
Early Childhood Educator
Boston, Massachusetts
5 week summer immersion programme in Wheelock College
Internship @ Cambridge Ellis School
Boston Children's Museum
Completed a module taught by Professor Paul Thayer on 'Helping Children Cope with Stress'.
Gained different perspectives on helping children on issues such as parents' divorce and building resilience in them.
Internship @ Cambridge Ellis School
Reggio Emilia inspired preschool
Emergent curriculum
My classmates and I had a meaningful and thought-provoking discussion with the School Administrators regarding issues and topics such as discipline approaches, language immersion and children's play.
Friday Specials!
To promote strong partnerships with families, there are events on every Friday to welcome parents to participate with their children.
Many parents came to the school in their sports attire to join their children for the Sports Event! At the end of the session, they all gathered in a circle to sing songs of different languages (Chinese, French & Spanish) and every class put up a simple performance. It was indeed a heartwarming sight.
Baby toys of different races to promote multi-multiculturalism in toddlers' class
During the Sports Event, my classmates and I helped to manage the various stations such as tennis, football and boxing!
Bubble Play in Boston Children's Museum!
This station was fun and spontaneous as we get to use large bubble wands and different objects to create bubbles
Children get to participate in hands-on activities by creating their own seashell craft with the help of an instructor at the workshop station
Signage to describe the benefits of block play for children
Teacher Wan had the opportunity to experience a wide range of hands-on and minds-on activities unlike a typical museum!
One of my favourite stations would be the 'Kindergarten'! Children and families get to explore an environment that is similar to a preschool, such as the learning resources and play materials. This helps children to familiarize themselves with the environment to ease transition to a preschool!